If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose or project, please provide this information when you make your donation. Alternatively, if you wish your gift to be used where the need is greatest we will allocate it to Orphanages for Africa's projects at our discretion. OFA is a non-profit corporation and charitable contributions are tax deductible.
Designated gifts to specific OFA projects are welcome and will be targeted accordingly as long as our African partners are in good standing with OFA. Targeted donations to partners who are not in good standing are automatically transferred into OFA's general fund and redirected to an area of greatest need in order to fully maximize the gift. Micro-enterprise projects are funded through donations to the general fund as well as targeted donations. You can make a donation to OFA in the following ways:
For details on how to give by direct bank transfer, please email us via our Contact Us page.

Please make checks payable to Orphanages for Africa and mail to the following address:
Orphanages for Africa - U.S.A.
P.O. Box 44294
Washington, D.C. 20026-4294
United States of America
To donate by credit card through PayPal, please click on the following link (note that a small fee will apply when using PayPal):
All contributions to Orphanages for Africa - U.S.A. (OFA-USA) are fully deductible up to IRS limits as a charitable contribution according to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and become the property of OFA-USA.