Unless otherwise requested by the donor, all donations are used to support our partners' work in Africa directly. Any Gift Aid recovered on donations is applied to our general fund and may be used to support the day-to-day administration of OFA.
If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose or project, please provide this information when you make your donation. Designated gifts to specific OFA projects are welcome and will be targeted accordingly as long as our African partners are in good standing with OFA. Targeted donations to partners who are not in good standing are automatically redirected to an area of greatest need in order to maximise the impact of the gift. You can make a donation to OFA in the following ways:
Please make cheques or postal orders payable to Orphanages for Africa - U.K. and post them to the following address:
Orphanages for Africa - U.K.
Dane House
26 Taylor Road
Aylesbury HP21 8DR
United Kingdom
If you would like to give regularly by standing order please download a standing order form here and print it off, fill in your details and post it to the above address. We will forward it to your bank with the transfer details.
100% of your donation is spent directly on our charitable projects. We can achieve this because all our staff in the UK are volunteers and also because we use funds recovered via Gift Aid for the ongoing development and expansion of our work and to help cover UK background costs such as auditing and administration. If you have any queries about donating to Orphanages for Africa - U.K. please contact us here.
To donate by debit or credit card through PayPal, please click on the following link (note that a small fee will apply when using PayPal):
If you are a UK taxpayer (this includes tax paid on savings, capital gains and pensions) you have the option of giving by Gift Aid. The Gift Aid scheme allows us to claim back 25 pence from the government for every £1 you donate to Orphanages for Africa - U.K. If you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation please download a Gift Aid Declaration here and print it off, fill in your details and post it to the above address along with your donation.